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HC11-585 HotChip 11" Flasher Green Stryper

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Product Description

The 11 inch HotChip flashers are fish catching leaders in the different types of flashers.  They are probably used in more applications that any other flasher series.  They are a trolling device that attract salmon with vibration from their kicking and spinning action. They are attached to your fishing line and then a bait, lure or hoochie is tied between 24 to 48 inches behind the flasher.  This tail leader length is the most important rigging feature in catching salmon,  See flasher rigging techniques at www.protroll.com The flasher can be dropped to depth using a downrigger, a diver or a lead weight.  Typical trolling speeds are 2.0 to 3.0 MPH    
The green stryper flasher is an excellent salmon catcher.  Green and white are two excellent color combinations.  Green is a very good salmon color.  On some days light green will be your top producer.  On other days red, charteuuse, blue, white or chrome might be better.  A rule of thumb is match your flasher to the color of the water.  If the water is green try a green flasher.  If it is brown use red.  Blue use blue etc.  When trolling very deep (over 100 feet down) where it is dark use a glow or a white flasher.  On clear bright days when you are trolling shallow use subdued colors instead of chrome or other bright finishes that will scare the salmon.  Day in and day out the stryper is generally a very good salmon producer.

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